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Cinco exercícios divertidos e estimulantes para brincar com o seu gato - PetDoctors - Loja Online

Five fun and stimulating exercises to play with your cat

cat playing


Cats are known for their aloof and independent nature, but that doesn't mean they don't crave interaction, involvement and mental stimulation. While play may not seem as necessary for cats as it is for dogs, it is an integral part of their overall well-being. In addition to the obvious health benefits, especially cardiovascular health, exercise can help reduce behavioral problems, keeping your cat mentally stimulated and satisfied. Here are five fun and effective exercises you can enjoy with your cat, turning your daily routine into a fun game.

The laser pointer game

The laser pointer game is a classic, loved by cats all over the world. Tiny, fast light mimics the movement of prey, stimulating your cat's hunting instincts. This game involves a lot of running, jumping and throwing, providing a great workout for your cat.

Cat playing with laser

However, it is important to use the laser pointer safely. Never point the laser directly into your cat's eyes, as this could cause damage. Also, remember to occasionally let your cat "catch" the laser dot to avoid frustration. You can do this by placing the dot on a treat or toy, rewarding your cat for its efforts.


Fetch is not just for dogs! Many cats enjoy a good game of fetch, especially if they are taught from a young age. Small, lightweight toys are best for this game – crumpled paper balls, toy mice or small balls are perfect.

cat playing

To play, just throw the toy and your cat can instinctively chase it. If your cat brings it back, great! If not, you can teach them by praising and rewarding them when they bring the toy back. Keep sessions short to keep your cat interested.

interactive toys for cats

Interactive cat toys, such as puzzle feeders or treat dispenser toys, are great for providing mental and physical stimulation. These toys require your cat to solve a puzzle to access their favorite treats, encouraging them to think while they get a little exercise.

cat interactive toy

Another great option is a cat tower with hanging toys. Cats love to climb and scratch, which is why a cat tower can give them great training while satisfying their natural instincts.

agility training

Agility training isn't just for dogs either! With a little patience, you can teach your cat to navigate an agility course. This can include activities like jumping through hoops, running through tunnels, or going around poles.

cat in exercise

Start small, using treats or toys to guide your cat through each obstacle, and gradually increase the complexity of the course over time. Not only does this provide great physical exercise for your cat, but it also helps improve their cognitive abilities.

feather wands

Feather wands are a fantastic way to get your cat involved in the play. These toys consist of a long wand, with a string attached to one end and feathers or bells attached to the other. When you move the wand, it triggers your cat's natural hunting instincts.

cat playing

This game involves a lot of jumping and running, providing a great workout for your cat. Always remember to let your cat catch "prey" every now and then to keep her interested and satisfied.


Cat playing in tunnel

Exercising your cat doesn't have to be a chore – with a little creativity, it can be a fun and enriching experience for both of you.

Remember, the key to a successful game is variety. Different cats have different preferences, so try different games to see what your cat likes best.

Happy pranks!


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