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Quanto custa ter um cão ou um gato? - PetDoctors - Loja Online

How much does it cost to have a dog or cat?

Clear all your doubts with another video by Felix The Vet.

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In this video, Felix The Vet talks about the costs of having a cat and a dog, covering fixed costs such as food, vaccinations and neutering. Values given are averages.

Costs of Owning a Dog or Cat: Fixed costs include food, vaccinations, neutering, microchipping
Values provided are averages and may vary depending on location.

Invest in quality pet food for long-term health benefits and cost savings on veterinary care: Different brands and sizes of cat food range from €23 to €30 per 2kg bag, which can last up to a month, depending on the size and diet of the cat.
It is important to understand that cats need to be regularly vaccinated and well parasitized for hygiene and public health purposes.

Vaccination of cats and medical expenses cost around €9-€12 per month : Cats that have access to the outdoors need more vaccines, increasing the cost
The microchip and sterilization are important but not mandatory and can cost up to €40

Proper hygiene and anesthesia monitoring is crucial during animal surgeries: Surgeries must be performed in an operating room under anesthesia, following hygiene and sterilization guidelines
Anesthetic monitoring should be used during surgery to ensure animal comfort and safety.

Caring for dogs can be much more expensive than caring for cats, but preventive measures can help reduce costs : Quality dog food can range from 15 to 90 euros and the amount needed will depend on the size of the dog
Preventive measures against parasites can cost around 15-25 euros per month , while vaccination costs do not depend on size

The national canine health plan can cost up to 280 euros for sterilization: Vaccination program for dogs costs between 45 to 170 euros per year.
The cost of registering and applying the microchip is between 25 and 40 euros.
Sterilization costs can vary from 180 to 280 euros for dogs.
In general, expenses for dog food and parasite control can reach 200 to 1,000 euros per year.

The annual cost of a dog is between €450 and €1,500: First year expenses can skyrocket to €2,000.
Larger dogs cost significantly more than smaller dogs.

Regular checkups prevent costly pet health problems: many pet owners do not detect disease in their pets until it is advanced
Regular pet blood tests are essential and the expense should be factored into annual budgets.

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