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What Does Your Dog Sleep Position Mean?

What Does Your Dog's Position When Sleeping Mean?

Is there anything more tender than watching a sleeping puppy? I'm one of those people who - literally - "pulls out" the camera as soon as I see my dog ​​sleeping. Because, well, there's nothing quite as cute as documenting those moments and positions our dog puts himself in while he sleeps! And did you know that the position your dog is sleeping in can say a lot about their "personality" and the relationship they have with you? Read a little more about decoding some of the most popular positions you can see your dog sleeping in!

Curled up like a ball

During the afternoon or evening, I sometimes see my dogs walking around in circles, until they drop down and snuggle into a little fur ball to take a nap. While it may seem super-comfortable, this is - in reality - the least comfortable sleeping position for a dog. And it's uncomfortable because the dog has to use all its muscles to stay curled up in that position. And this leads us to ask the question: if it is so uncomfortable, why do dogs persist in sleeping in that position? There are some ideas in this regard.

  1. Experts indicate that this is a defensive position, as it is the position in which they are quickest to get up and into action.
  2. It is also a position that helps dogs stay warm. Since dogs don't regulate their body temperature, as we humans do, they walk around a bit until they curl up in that little fur ball that we love so much. The more curls they are, the warmer they are.

What does your dog sleep position mean - Curled up like a furball


Over Belly, Legs Outstretched – Like Superman!

This is another position where it is easy for dogs to wake up and immediately spring into action. It is a very common position in puppies as it is extremely easy for them to wake up and immediately start playing.

Sideways with Four Legs All Stretched Out

When I go to bed with my dogs at night, my little dog immediately goes under the duvet. After some adjustments, you usually end up lying on your side with all four legs fully extended. Surely you've found your dog in this position many times! Good news: Experts say this is a very comfortable position for your dog to sleep. It is also a sign that your dog is comfortable with his environment and that he is relaxed.

What does your dog sleep position mean - On its side with its paws outstretched

Backwards, Four Legs in the Air

With the belly completely exposed, this is possibly one of the most vulnerable positions for a dog. This position makes it more difficult for the dog to stand up if necessary. Experts say that when your dog is in this position, it's a sign that he feels very safe and confident in his surroundings!!

What does your dog sleep position mean - From Belly to Up


Nestled next to you

This is a position that unequivocally expresses that your dog loves you and sees you as part of the pack! In the wild, wolves sleep as close together as possible. This keeps them not only warm but also safe. Well, just like wolves, which are wild animals, dogs are also pack animals, so they love to sleep nestled next to the other elements of the pack. If your dog likes to sleep close to you, take this as a sign that your dog considers you a part of the pack and sees you as family.

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susna - August 28, 2023

Bom dia os meus durante o dia conforme a situacao assim dormrm mas usam essas posicoes todas durante o dia.

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